Loss of Share Certificate ads in 2 Newspapers starts 890/- onwards
If your society share certificate gets lost / misplaced the society issues public notice and duplicate share certificates after 14 days once it appears in one English & one regional language newspaper. The claim period for objections is typically 14 days from the date of publication of the public notice.
If you have lost your equity share certificates like Tata Power, Tata motors, Ranbaxy etc. and are applying for loss of equity shares than you may try our equity shares lost page for more details.
Procedure to get Duplicate Society Share Certificate 
The share certificate is a valuable document that every member must possess as it not only establishes the member’s ownership but also the member’s voting rights and entitlement to dividends or profits from the society.
In case of loss of share certificate, you can submit an application, along with necessary documents and an indemnity bond for loss of share certificate of housing society to your society. The latter is a contract, wherein you promise to make good any loss that may arise in case the original instrument is presented.
Since some people mortgage originals as security with banks and then ask for duplicates, the society may ask you to give an undertaking that you have lost the originals in order to avoid fraud.
The society will then invite objections from potential claimants by affixing a notice to its notice board as well as through a notice in the newspaper. You may be asked to foot the associated costs, and some societies even expect you to publish the share certificate lost ad on your own.
The Intention of the society is to invite claims and objections from any claimant / objector for issuance of share certificate to the member. If no objection / claim is received than the society proceeds to issue a duplicate share certificate
Charges for Loss of Share Certificate Ad:
The Charges of Loss of Society Share certificate in 2 newspapers ranges from 890/- to 2900/- You may state the choice of your desired two newspapers however, our choice of newspapers is cheap, acceptable in courts, housing societies.
Society Share Certificate Advertisement format :
The Society Notice format usually includes details such as the member’s name, share certificate number, the number of shares held, and the date of issuance.
Duplicate share certificate format options for loss of society share certificates are placed on the right side of the page to suit your budget.
Though all look the same, however there is a small difference. Sample no 1, 2, and 3 are designed to control the Original share certificate lost advertisement cost. whereas sample no 4 and 5 are as per the byelaws of the society.
You may show the templates to your society if required and than place the ad.
Just click on to the Download button of the loss of share certificate format ad of your choice and reframe the advertisement with your content and fill in the form below
How can you obtain a duplicate Share Certificate in India?
The loss of share certificate of housing society can happen to anyone. In case a member loses the share certificate of society or if it gets damaged, they can obtain a duplicate share certificate by following the steps mentioned below:
- Lodge a complaint with the society: The first step to obtaining a duplicate share certificate is to lodge a complaint with the society. The member must inform the society about the loss or damage of the share certificate and request a duplicate certificate.
- Provide necessary documents: The member must provide necessary documents such as an FIR (in case of loss), an idemnity bond, and a request letter for the issuance of a duplicate share certificate.
- Newspaper ad : Publish a Loss of Society Share certificate ad in one National and one Local Newspaper and submit the Copies to the Society.
- Pay the requisite fee: The society may charge a nominal fee for the issuance of a duplicate share certificate. The member must pay the requisite fee to the society.
- Obtain a no-objection certificate: The society may ask the member to obtain a no-objection certificate from the bank if the share certificate was pledged as collateral for a loan.
- Verification process: Once the member provides all the necessary documents and pays the requisite fee, the society will initiate the verification process to confirm the member’s ownership of the shares.
- Issue of duplicate share certificate: After verifying the documents, the society will issue a duplicate share certificate to the member.
Creating an Effective Lost Share Certificate Ad :
When creating a lost share certificate ad, make sure all details are included so the notice reaches the intended audience. Here are some tips to follow to create a lost share certificate ad:
- State the purpose: Start with the statement that the notice is to inform the public that a share certificate has been lost or misplaced. This is the foundation of the ad.
- Give specific details: Name of the shareholder, share certificate number, folio nos., No. of shares, and any distinctive nos. This will help identify the lost certificate.
- Society information: This is the heading of the notice and should have the name of the society, location and names of shareholders so that some background of the lost certificate can be understood.
- Claim period: This will include the date for making claims or giving objections, usually 14 days from the date of publication. This will inform the claimants/ objectors of the time frame to make their intentions known.
- Full contact information: Give the society’s contact details like phone number and society address where any objector / claimant can contact and send their claim or objections.
How to place a Newspaper Advertisement for Lost Share Certificate?
Missing a share certificate can be stressful, However publishing a loss of share certificate ad in newspaper is easier than you think. Following are the few steps to focus on:
- Pick the right newspaper: Choose a well-known paper that gets good circulation in your area. The wider the reach, the better your chances of alerting the right people.
- Contact the ad department: Reach out to the newspaper’s advertising team to ask about their rates and what they need from you to publish the ad.
- Share the details: Provide all the key information like the share certificate number, the number of shares, any distinctive numbers, folio no, the name of the society, and its location.
- Set the claim period: Don’t forget to mention how long people have to raise any objections or claims—usually 14 days from the publication date.
- Advertisement Charges: Basic cost of the ad starts 890/-. However the cost will depend on the paper and the size of your notice.By following these easy steps, you’ll have your ad booked and out there in no time!
Importance of Publishing a Lost Share Certificate Ad
Publishing a lost share certificate ad is a must while applying for duplicate share certificate. Here are the reasons why:
- Prevents fraud: It gives public notice of the lost certificate so that no one can misuse the certificate.
- Allows claims: It allows claimants to come forward and file their claims or objections so that duplicate certificate is issued to the rightful owner.
- Creates a paper trail: It gives a paper trail and helps to create a record of the lost certificate which can be used in case of any disputes or legal issues.
- Protects society’s interests: It protects the interests of the society and its members by issuing duplicate certificate in a transparent manner.
- By publishing a lost share certificate ad you are ensuring the process of getting duplicate share certificate is transparent and fair for the society and its members.
Procedure For Booking Share Certificate lost ad in Newspaper :
Lets say you have a Loss of Share Certificate advertisement to be released.
Step 1 : Call us on 8888337371 for Guidance/Help for how to go about it. We’ll guide you with How to Publish your Publish Notice ad.
Step 2 : Fill in the Form below. You’ll be getting a ready made ad Matter along with Quotation in few minutes with multiple sizes and multiple newspaper options to fulfill share certificate lost requirement.
You just need to reply on the email for whichever option and sample you choose. Payment transfer details shall be sent to you.
Shares lost ad shall be published next day in the newspapers and 4 newspaper copies 2 of English and 2 of Marathi shall be couriered to you all across Mumbai.
Here are some FAQs about lost share certificates and the process of getting a duplicate certificate:
Q: What is a lost share certificate ad?
A: A lost share certificate ad is a public notice in a newspaper to inform the public that a share certificate has been lost.
Q: Why do I need to publish a lost share certificate ad?
A: To give public notice of the lost certificate and for others to come forward and claim or object.
Q. What else do I need to do apart from publishing share certificate lost ad?
A. You need to submit idemnity bond to the society and Police complaint should be registered at the nearest police station.
Q: How do I book a share certificate lost ad in newspaper?
A: You can book a share certificate lost ad in newspaper by contacting the newspaper’s advertising department and providing the details like share certificate number, distinctive no and society name.
Q: What is the time period for claims or objections?
A: 14 days from the date of publication of the notice.
Q: What if no claims or objections are received?
A: If no claims are received within the stipulated period of 14 days the society can than issue duplicate share certificate to the member of the society.
Q) My first name in share certificate issued by society is spelled Incorrectly How do I rectify this error? Please advise?
A) If your share certificate is the first share certificate, then by taking your existing share certificate with wrongly spelt name, a new share certificate with correctly spelt name can be issued by the society, by taking existing certificate. with remark on its front side below your name – “This share certificate is cancelled, as flat holder’s first name is wrongly spelt.
In place of this certificate, new share certificate number….. is issued with correct name of the share holder.” Society’s seal and office bearer’s signature with the date should be on this certificate. Below this seal, there should a message “Said Share Certificate is surrendered to the Society, and in its place new share certificate no ……..issued to me with my correct name.”, here you should sign with the date, name and flat no. Then provide a xerox copy the new share certificate with a remark saying “Received my share certificate with my correct first name”, with your signature.
Issuing of new share certificate with correct name, in place of old share certificate, has to be passed by majority in managing committee meeting and it should also be passed in next AGM of the society.
If name correction in the share certificate is, when you are second or subsequent buyer of the flat, then your name comes on backside of the share certificate.
In that case, name correction has to be made by a separate (new) entry on the back side of the share certificate) with a remark “Correction entry in first name of the buyer of the Flat.” Under this remark, society should write your correct name as share holder. Under it society’s office bearers’ signature and seal with society’s round seal. This correction entry has to be passed in Society’s Managing Committee meeting and subsequently in next AGM.
For second or subsequent sale of the flat, new share certificate need not be prepared for correction of the name of the share holder.
All this work should be done free of charge, if writing of wrong name is due to Society’s mistake.
If writing of name is due to applicant’s (flat owner’s) mistake, then society will ask xerox copy of PAN and Aadhaar cards of the applicant to correct the name, and society will charge Rs 200 as service charges in name correction, by a crossed cheque in the name of the Society, whether correction of the name is in first sale or in subsequent sale of the flat.
Q) I am a 76 years old widow. Recently during the lockdown, my Co-Op Housing Society transferred my flat shares on my name after the demise of my husband (who was the single owner of the said flat). Now I want to nominate my three sons for the said flat filling and submitting the nomination form No Appendix -14 u/Bye-law No 32. Now in this regard I have certain queries. In the prescribed form, column No 5 suggests transferring the shares on 1st Name of nomination given. So in this case, would my sons be the owner of the flat after any unforeseen event happens to me. Actually, I want to give equal ownership to all my sons in lieu of valuation at the time of selling the said flat Secondly, in the prescribed form column No 5, asks to furnish Indemnity Bond. What is the purpose of the same? Can I have the draft copy of the same?
A: Once your late husband’s flat is transmitted to you by your Society. by filling the nomination form given in Appendix-14, you can nominate all three of your sons to be equal nominees, by giving each one of them 33.333% (equal part) of your flat.
After your demise, they have two choices to become members of the society, as under.
(1) All three of them can apply, for joint membership, on form as given in Appendix-15. Those two sons, whose name is second and third in the nomination form, will apply for Co-membership of your flat. on Associate membership from, given in Appendix-5. All three sons together will give an undertaking on Rs.200/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, as given in Appendix-3. If this method is used, then there is no need to give an Indemnity and Affidavit as stated in point No. 5 of the nomination form.
(2) If one or two of your nominee son/s want to become member, then that Indemnity and Affidavit comes in to picture. After your demise, as all three want to become owners of the flat, you need not worry about that indemnity and Affidavit as stated in point 5 of the Nomination form.
Affidavit on Rs 100 Non-Judicial stamp paper, by your three nominee sons together, whose format has to be made by them, from the form of Indemnity, as given in Appendix-18. Indemnity to be executed on Rs.500/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, in the format as given in Appendix-18. by your all three nominee sons together.
Membership applicant/s son/s sole/jointly will give an undertaking on Rs.200/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, as given in Appendix-3.
Above all documents are to be executed by your nominee sons, after your demise, when one or two or all three of them want to become owner of your flat.