What is a Court Summon Notice?

A court summon is an official document issued by the court to: Court summon notice advertisement

  • Attend the court on a particular date.
  • Respond to a legal suit or complaint filed against him/her.
  • Produce evidence or give testimony in the case.

Court summon notices are an important part of the Indian judicial system to inform the parties involved in a legal matter of their appearance in the court. Publication of summons in newspaper is mandatory in some cases. This comprehensive guide will cover court summon notice advertisements, its purpose, legal requirements and how to publish them in newspapers across India.

When direct delivery of the summons is not possible, publishing a court summon notice in newspapers becomes an acceptable mode of service of notice.

Purpose of Court Notice paper publication

The main objectives of court summon advertisements are:

  • 📜Legal Requirement: To comply with the court’s direction to notify the parties in the case.

  • 🏛️Public Notice: To make the notice public if the address of the recipient is not known.

  • 📑Documentary Proof: To serve as proof that all reasonable attempts were made to notify the concerned person.

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    When to Publish Court Summon Advertisements

    Court summon notice is to be published in the following situations: When to publish Court Notice

    • 🔹Unknown Address: When the address of the recipient cannot be found despite all reasonable efforts.
    • 🔹Willful Avoidance: When the recipient is avoiding the summons.
    • 🔹Legal Direction: When the court directs to publish as part of the notice.
    • 🔹Mass Notices: In cases where there are multiple defendants or parties.

    Legal Framework for Court Summon Notices in India

    The publication of court summon notices is governed by a variety of laws and procedural rules, which includes:

    📌Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
    The primary legal framework governing court summon notice ads in India is the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. In particular, Order V, Rule 20 of the CPC provides that summons can be issued through newspaper advertisements when the defendant’s whereabouts are unknown or personal service is not possible.

    📌The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
    It also comprises similar provisions for criminal cases in the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), 1973. Section 82 of the CrPC allows the issuance of a proclamation making a person liable to appear in court against an alleged crime if he is absconding or hiding himself.

    📌Other Relevant Laws
    enactments, such as the Companies Act, 2013, and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, require that summon notices be published in newspapers for particular legal procedures like winding up of companies or insolvency proceedings.

    Types of Cases Requiring Court Summon Notice Ads

    📌Civil Cases :

    • Summon notice advertisements are common in civil lawsuits involving property claims, divorce cases, inheritance issues, and breaches of contract where the defendant’s location is unknown.

    📌Criminal Court Summons:

    • In criminal proceduresthe use of such advertisement is made in cases where a person accused has absconded, and there is a proclamation by the court for his appearance.
    • Governed by CrPC provisions.

    📌Corporate and Insolvency Procedure :

    • Notice advertisements are required by law for summons in corporate-related issueswhich include windingup of companies, insolvency among otherswhereby creditors, shareholders, and the like are obligated to be known.

    📌Family Case

    • In case of family court, such as divorce or the dispute over who gets the kids, notice through summon is adopted if the respondents cannot be known.

    📌Public Interest Summons:

    • Issued in matters of public interest, such as environmental cases or large-scale frauds.

    How to Publish Court Summon Notices in Newspapers 

    In court summons, publication of newspaper ads is critical, especially where a traditional means of service would failThe present section, with step-by-step details on publishing such advertisements, ensures a valid and efficient manner of carrying out the act while adhering strictly to the tenets of the lawHow to Publish Court Notice ads

    Step 1: Obtain Court Permission

    Filing an Application :
    The process starts with filing an application in the appropriate court seeking leave to serve the summon notice through newspaper publication. The application should have, as annexures, the following information:

    Case Details: Case number, names of the parties involved, and the nature of the suit.
    Reasons for Newspaper Publication: A detailed explanation of why
    conventional modes of service (such as personal delivery or registered post) have failed or are impracticable.
    Supporting Documents:
    Proof that the whereabouts of the defendant are unknown; returned postal receipts or affidavits from the process servers may be used for this purpose.

    Court’s Order:
    The court will 
    consider the application and grant permission to print the summon notice in a newspaper if satisfied with the application. The court order will include details on:
    Newspaper(s): The
    newspaper(s) to publish the notice.
    Publication Details: The number of times the notice should be published and the
    duration within which the publication must occur.
    Content Requirements: Specific
    information that must feature in the notice.

    Step 2: Determine the Appropriate Newspaper :

    Qualifying Factors
    The choice of newspaper is the most critical part of ensuring the summon notice gets to the addressee’s attention. Therefore,  consider these factors:
    Circulation: The newspaper should have 
    wide circulation in the area where the defendant is likely to be found.
    Language: The newspaper should be in a language the defendant is likely to understand.
    Type of Newspaper: The court may require publication in both a national newspaper and 
    local newspaper relevant to the defendant’s last known address.
    Consulting Legal Experts: 
    It is 
    recommended to seek the advice of legal professionals or the court registry to confirm that the chosen newspaper is acceptable to the court.

    Step 3: Prepare the Summon Notice

    Required Components Publish Summons in Newspaper
    A summon notice must contain certain information to be valid in lawMake sure the following components are present:
    Information: Name of the court, case number, and the name of the presiding judge.
    : Names and addresses of the plaintiff and defendant.
    Nature of the Suit: A brief description of the legal proceeding or case.
    Date to Respond: The date by which the defendant must appear in court or respond to the notice.
    Publication Details: The name of the newspaper and the date(s) of publication.

    Clearness and Conciseness
    The notice 
    must be clear, concise, and free from vagueness. Avoid using jargon that will be hard to understand for a  layman.

    Step 4: Contact the Newspaper

    Advertising Department :
    Contact the advertising department of the chosen newspaper(s). Share the court order and the draft of the summon notice with them.

    Schedule of Publication :
    Talk over the schedule of publication to get it published within the court-ordered time. Confirm the dates of publication and ask for a proof of the ad before printing.

    Cost and Payment :
    Get an estimate of the cost to publish and pay for the newspaperRetain the receipt as well as all correspondence with the newspaper.

    Step 5: Confirm Publication

    Get Copies
    After the publicationget photocopies of the newspaper(s) that published the summons notice. Ensure that the notice is exactly as drafted and meets the requirements of the court.

    Affidavit of Publication
    An affidavit of publication, which is an attested declaration stating that the summon notice was published according to the court order. The affidavit shall contain the following:
    Details of Publication: Name of
    newspaper, date(s) of publication, and copy of published notice.
    Affiant’s Details: Name, address, and relationship to the case
    , usually the plaintiff or their legal representative.
    Notarization: The affidavit
    should be notarized in order to make it valid before the law.

    Step 6: File the Affidavit at the Court Registry

    Submission :
    File the affidavit of publication 
    in the court registry. Ensure to do this as required by the court.
    This will form a part of the court record with proof that notice was published appropriately. This can be very pivotal for the continuation of the case, especially where the defendant makes no response.

    Step 7: Monitor and Follow-Up

    Track Responses
    Monitor any responses from the defendant 
    after the summon notice has been published. If the defendant appears or responds, advise the court and then continue the case based on that decision

    Cost of Court Summon Notices

    Cost of publishing a court summon notice depends on:

    • Newspaper: Leading dailies charge more than local newspapers.
    • Ad Size and Placement: Larger ads or front page ads are costlier.
    • Language and Region: Regional language newspapers may be cheaper.

    Cost ranges from ₹1,500 to ₹5,000 per publication.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Court Summon Notice Advertisements

    Q1: How to publish Court Notice in Newspaper?

    A: To publish a court notice get a court order, draft the notice as per legal requirements, choose a widely circulated newspaper (both English and regional), submit the notice for publication and collect proof of publication for court submission.

    Q2. What Are the Legal Requirements for Publishing a Court Summon Notice Ad?

    The legal requirement includes the following:
    Court Order: The notice must be
    advertised only after receiving a court order.
    Newspaper Selection: The newspaper
    has to be broadly circulated and endorsed by the court.
    Accurate Information:
    Accurate and full information must accompany the notice.
    Proof of Publication: A
    newspaper copy must be submitted to the court as proof.

    Q2: Can summons be published in newspaper?

    A: Yes, if direct service is not possible, court can order substituted service through newspaper publication.

    Q3: How to post a notice?

    A: A notice can be posted through a registered lawyer by drafting the notice, sending it through registered post to the recipient and optionally publishing it in a newspaper if required.

    Q4: How to publish Summons in newspaper?

    A: To publish a summons in the newspaper, follow these steps:

    • Draft the Summons Notice: Prepare the summons notice as per the court’s instructions, including the case number, court name, parties involved, and the purpose of the summons.

    • Obtain Court Permission: In most cases, the court must permit the publication of a summons through a newspaper if the other party is untraceable.

    • Select the Newspaper: Choose a newspaper specified by the court or a widely circulated newspaper in the respondent’s last known location.

    • Prepare the Ad Draft: The ad should include the full content of the summons, with mandatory legal wordings.

    • Submit Documents: Submit the court order copy, ad draft, and your identity proof to the newspaper for booking.

    • Make Payment: Pay the newspaper advertisement charges.

    • Ad Publication: The newspaper will publish the summons on the specified date.

    • Collect the Newspaper Copy: Obtain the newspaper copy as proof of publication, which must be submitted back to the court.

    Always follow the exact instructions of the court while publishing a summons in the newspaper.

    Q: How Long Does It Take to Have a Court Summon Notice Ad Published?

    A. The Time duration depends on two factors.
    Newspaper Booking Time : The processing time for newspapers varies but most print their notices within 1 business day.
    Court Approval: The court must approve the draft before publication.

    Q5: What if the recipient doesn’t appear in court after publication?

    A: Ignoring a court summon notice ad can lead to:
    Ex Parte Judgment: The court may decide the case without the defendants input.
    Fines or Penalties: The defendant
    can be fined or penalized.
    Arrest Warrant: In criminal cases, a warrant
    can be issued for the arrest of the defendant.

    Q6: Can court summon notice be challenged?

    A: Yes. If the publication is not as per court’s direction.

    Q7: Can a Court Summon Notice Ad Be Published in Multiple Newspapers?

    A: Yes, Usually court Notice ads are published in one local and one national Newspaper to ensure wider reach.