How do you Publish a Public Notice ad for C forms lost? 
Publish your C forms lost / H forms Lost / F Forms lost ads in 2 Newspapers starting from 890/- Onwards. Sample ads for C forms available for your reference.
Call us on 09821566223 / or just email your text matter on and get immediate quotation in 1 hr. Get Complimentary 2+2 Newspaper copies delivered at your Office for FREE.
1. Intimate your sales tax office for the lost of C form.
2. Intimate your purchaser and give the following documents for issuing duplicate C form.
3. Indemnity bond (form G), Indemnity Bond on Non – judicial Paper. (The prescribed form of Indemnity bond is in Form G.)
4. Advertisements copy one should be of English and one should in local language for lost of C form giving full description of “c” form.
5. FIR copy of lost C form.
6. Request for issuing duplicate C form to your purchaser. (All Invoice Photocopy & GR Photocopy with above documents submit to department and get other C Form.)
Public Notice for Property
Share Certificate Lost
Legal Notice Ads
Public Notice in Times of India
Public notice in Free Press Journal
Public Notice for loss of Documents
Public Notice Format (Download free)
Payment Transfer details
M/s. Classic Advertising
(its a current A/c)
A/c no. 623505384698
IFSC Code: ICIC0006235
Fort Branch – Mumbai